DiviFlash Review: Ultimate Toolkit for Divi Builder

DiviFlash Review

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DiviFlash is a third-party divi plugin that powers up the divi builder feature list extensively. As a divi user, I always search for a third-party plugin to break the builder’s limitations entirely. Eventually, my quest ended with DiviFlash and I thought of bringing a detailed DiviFlash review for you.   

It brings an ultimate solution for Divi Carousel, Gallery, WooCommerce, and Custom Post Types (CPT) modules. Moreover, DiviFlash has a bunch of stylish starter templates, section layouts, and extensions to make the design process effortless.          

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DiviFlash Key Takeaways

4.5Our Score
Personal Pack – $31
  • 40+ divi modules
  • 9+ starter templates 
  • 400+ Section Layouts
  • 5+ Extensions

DiviFlash Pros

  • You can enable or disable any specific module
  • Easy user-interface 
  • Enough modules to build a entire website
  • Ultimate divi carousel, gallery, and CPT solutions
  • WooCommerce Solution 
  • Faster customer support
  • You can get a lifetime license

DiviFlash Cons

  • No pop-up feature for now (Talked to the support, they will bring it soon) 
  • Price is a bit higher 

In one word, DiviFlash is overwhelming and a complete toolkit to build a professional website in divi. 

So, let me share my experience why DiviFlash is going to be your favorite divi toolkit.

Easy Setup Process  

DiviFlash installation and activation is the same process you follow for the other WordPress repository plugin. Follow the DiviFlash setup guideline.            

DiviFlash Feature Explanation

DiviFlash carries a wide range of features including divi modules, templates, section layouts, and extensions. Let’s discuss one by one with proper explanation. 

Divi Modules 

DiviFlash focused on quality over quantity in comparison with other divi plugins. It has less count for modules but a single one brings several solutions that you solve with many modules of other divi plugins. That is the reason why I came forward with the complete DiviFlash review and became a fan of this divi plugin.

Let’s have a quick peek at the modules and their specialties before moving forward.  

Module List
Advanced Heading Design a heading with 3 distinct styles
Add a gradient & masking effect  
Create heading with double layer texts
Dual Button Create 2 side-by-side CTA buttons
Use icon, image or text as separator 
Style both buttons differently
Image Mask 30 Built-in image masks presets  
Change mask size and placement 
Rotate mask up to 360 degrees  
Advanced Blurb Place image, icon & badge together
Put elements one after one as you want 
Add, style & move button anywhere
Advanced Tabs Decorate tab navigation menu as you want
Show any design inside tab using shortcode 
8 content revealing animations  
Add icon, image & button at a time  
Business Hours Show your business time schedule  
Highlight & customize holidays differently 
Decorate start & end times individually 
Place & design time separator 
Table Create any type of comparison table 
Style head, body & footer differently  
Import image, icon, button & rating in every cell
Make the table responsive with one click 
Data Table Create a table with huge data   
Upload data on the table from CSV file 
Show data from Google Sheets via API key
Show data from WordPress database 
Place anything inside each table cell
Ajax searching and pagination options
Advanced Person Show your team portfolio with unique look
Place all major social networks
Switch person image on hover with other image
Animation effects for images, icons, and border
Content Toggle Show multiple contents with one module 
Switch between two contents in one click
5 different toggle styles to select 
Reveal toggle content with animation effects 
Add badges on the toggle button and style it
Advanced Divider Add a unique divider anywhere on the website 
10 premade and unique divider styles  
Use Lottie animations as a divider separator
Design a divider with text, images & icons
Create a custom divider and style it as you need
Customize single divider with 2 different look 
Animated Heading Create a heading with 9 different animation effects
3 title text areas with individual customizer
Make heading alive with moving text
Control animation speed and more
Flip Box Add icons and images both side of the flip box
Add 3D effect to the flip box 
4 different flipping animation styles
Use floating effect for rotated animation
Tilt Card Design a Tilt card with 3D floating effect
Add content, image, icon, button with animations
Various tilt effects like rotation, transform, reversing, etc.
Hover Box Highlight products & services with hover box
Add hover animations from different directions
Use title, subtitle, content, etc.
Apply various effects like scale, rotate, skew, etc.
Image Hover Design a hover box to show image differently 
20+ amazing border animations
Several hover effects on container elements
Use hover animation, scale, etc. 
Image Filtering effect
Image Accordion Create a Vertical or horizontal image accordion 
Overlay and scale effects for image 
Typography with 9 revealing animations
Before After Slider Compare two images in one interactive frame 
Place the frame vertically or horizontally 
Style the image slider 
Image filters such as contrast, opacity, etc.
Floating Images Images float at different directions
Several animation effects
Resize and position images anywhere
Image Hotspot Create an Image hotspot with tooltip
6 tooltip styles and 5 animation effects
Add icon, image, text, etc. on tooltips 
Place & style spot anywhere on an image
Add animations and links on the spots
Typing Text Heading with real-time typing animation 
Represent text in 3 exclusive styles
Control auto typing speed with loop effect
Apply masking effect on the text
Lottie Show Lottie file on divi websites
Control animation speed, direction, loop, etc.
Create animated blurbs
4 different options to trigger animation
Scroll Image Show large images in a concise area with auto scroll
4-different direction of scrolling effects
Control scroll speed, alignment, dimension, etc. 
6 scrolling animation styles
16 premade image frames
Motion effect for scroll icons
Image Carousel
Fully responsive image carousel
Display images coverflow and slider
Align & show all sizes of images into same height
Use the overlay, scale & hover effects
Show image caption with revealing animations
Logo Carousel Display client logos in carousel sliders with ticker effect
2 types of scrolling with animations & loop effects
Adjust positioning, equal height, and apply filter
Add border & shadow to logos
Advanced Carousel Carousel with image, title, description, and CTA
Two carousel styles, Slider & Coverflow 
Arrange and position elements as needed
Regular carousel features like arrow, dots navigation, auto-play, loop, etc.  
Testimonial Carousel Unique presentation for clients testimonials
2 different carousel styles
Organize image, rating, quote, and author boxes
Individual customizer for each elements
Post Carousel Show posts with different carousel styles 
11 post elements to make the post informative
All the regular carousel features
Instagram Feed Carousel Display Instagram posts on your website 
2 carousel layout styles, Coverflow & Slider 
Cube and flip effects to show IG post
Apply several hover effect & animations 
Product Carousel 11 WooCommerce elements like rating, add to cart, and more 
Several types of carousel layouts to apply   
Sale badge with before-after & sold-out text
Use auto slide, loop effect, and hover effect
CPT Carousel Show project, portfolio, and more under a carousel
3D looking coverflow carousel
10 design elements with Animations
2 carousel types with loop and auto play
Post Grid Grid & Masonry layout to show blog archive posts 
11 drag & drop post elements
7 image scale animation effect
Use post featured image as background
CPT Grid Show project, portfolio, and more CPT under grid & masonry layouts
Display posts with custom taxonomies
ACF support options
10 distinct elements
Filterable CPT Visualize custom posts with filter navigation
Style filter button with active & inactive state
Use Grid & Masonry layout 
Let visitors sort the posts according to their interest
Product Grid Demonstrate products with Grid & Masonry layout
11 well-organized WooCommerce elements
Use animations, overlay, and various scale effects
Show/hide elements on hover
Display products based on types
Use pagination, result count, and sorting by category
Advanced Gallery Display images with grid & masonry layouts 
Let user sort images by their categories
Show up to 8 images in a row
Open Image lightbox with caption & description
Multiple animation effects and styling options
Stylish typography and border effects
Justified Gallery Show different size of image with equal height 
Use overlay and hover effect around the image
15 border revealing animation effects
Lightbox feature with content caption, description, and download button 
Packery Gallery Image presentation with animation and content
10 premade packery layouts with different designs
16 border animations and various text animations on hover
Navigate visitors to the destination pages using image source link
Great typography feature
Instagram Gallery Show Instagram posts directly on websites with a gallery view
Two different gallery layouts, Masonry & Grid 
Add up to 8 images in a single row
Several animation effects on hover
Scale effects like zoom in & out, rotate, blur, etc.
WPForms Styler Style WP Form with engaging transformation
Design label text and input area attractively 
Decorate each ingredient including background
Adorn dropdown section with stylish font, border, color, etc.
Style the submit button 
Add gripping color, border effect, font style, weight, etc. in the check boxes
Contact Form 7 Styler Decorate Contact Form 7 with enhanced view
Adorn label, input text area, dropdown, button, etc.
Style form with color, size, alignment, border, etc.
Customize submit button more precisely

Stater Templates

DiviFlash has 10+ pre-made website templates and it continuously publishes new layouts. You will get these templates built based on several niches like SAAS, Portfolio, Agency and more. These templates are well organized and customizable.

DiviFlash templates

Section Layouts 

400+ professional looking section layouts are available with DiviFlash. These section layouts are created by all the DiviFlash modules. So, you can start with any module to create an engaging section in a minute.

DiviFlash module section layouts

Divi Extensions 

Get rid of using third-party plugins like Divi Shortcode Generator, Json file support, and more by activating several DiviFlash extensions. The list of extensions are,    

  • SVG File Support
  • JSON File Support
  • Divi Library Shortcode    
  • ACF Support      
  • Menu Bottom Line 
  • Hide Menu Bottom Border
  • Menu Item Space Between  
DiviFlash Extensions


DiviFlash documentation is quite resourceful that covers every design element from tip to toe. It has a detailed explanation for all the modules and extension’s work procedure.  


DiviFlash has 3 different pricing plans, Personal, Agency, and Business. Also, they provide a 14-day money-back guarantee. So, choose one that suits your needs.

Pricing PlansPersonal PackAgency PackBusiness
No. of Websites1UnlimitedUnlimited
Premade LayoutsYesYesYes
All ModulesYesYesYes
Premium Support1 YearUnlimited1 Year
Updates1 YearUnlimited1 Year
Renew Cost$39/yearOne time payment$89/year
Money-Back GuaranteeYesYesYes

User’s Feedback

DiviFlash has always been a favorite for people like me who love to bring uniqueness to their design. See here what designers say about DiviFlash.

DiviFlash Users Feedback

Final Verdict

In the end, I am really convinced that DiviFlash is an amazing Divi plugin loaded with lots of modules, premade templates, and extensions. Hopefully, the DiviFlash review was enough to prove to you that any limitation you have with the default builder will be gone using this plugin.  

Let me know in the comment box, if the plugin is really a great deal for you. 

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The expert Team at FlywithWp is a team of WordPress experts. The team comprises developers, native speakers, and researchers with in-depth knowledge.
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